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11 snackable content examples to steal today

Written by Kareem Mostafa | Sep 29, 2021 2:41:22 PM

No one has time to read a novel these days. People want snackable content that they can consume quickly and easily, with the understanding that there is more where this came from. This is why snackable content (short-form, easy-to-digest pieces of information) has become such a popular trend in modern marketing. In today's post, we're going to take a look at 11 snackable content examples you can steal for your own business!

What is snackable content?

Snackable content is straightforward, short-form, easily digestible content that lends itself to being passively consumed and shared on social media. It tends to be visually engaging, can be posted consistently, and is often used to support overarching campaigns.


Why snackable?

In a world where people have increasingly shorter attention spans from all the stimuli around them, we are (ironically) spending more and more time binge-consuming snackable content.

You can cater to the short attention spans of your audience while still delivering value through educational pieces. Snackable content is most effective when it's delivered where people naturally spend their time - namely social media and perhaps email.


How to easily create snackable content

A few tips on how to create the most impactful snackable content:

Repurpose a popular blog post by changing it to another format and advertising it again.

Pick out one key takeaway, turn it into an infographic or a meme, and share it on social media

To boost the value of your long copy, remix old or lengthy content into many little "bites" to make it more appetizing.

You can edit your videos into shorter clips that are not too long. Then you can put them on social media sites like Facebook or Instagram.

For example, take a tweet and post it to Instagram on a branded background.

Remember to always A/B test snackable content for advertising, email marketing, and social media marketing to assist you determine what's most effective for your company.

Behavior analysis tools, such as heatmaps session recordings, can also be used to determine whether the material grabbed attention and achieved the intended result.

Snackable content examples

Formats are your friends. If you're considering repurposing longer assets you already have to snackable content forms, think about how you can turn it into video, audio, image, and written content.

Snackable content comes in a variety of flavors. They all have one thing in common: their accessibility, directness of communication, and tiny size. Each style, on the other hand, has certain benefits and drawbacks.

1. YouTube Shorts

Why not use the world's second-largest search engine (YouTube) to create content that your audience will resonate with? Whether your industry peers are posting YT shorts or not, you have every reason to experiment with this channel. You can manually jot down the key moments in each webinar or long video you have, or use chopcast to do it for you automatically. Either way, you can create subtitled, binge-worthy vertical videos for the platform.

2. Practical video clips for LinkedIn

You can also try to create LinkedIn video clips. These are short videos that you can use as a post or as updates on your profile page. It will be easy for viewers to digest the content and share it with their connections, increasing its reach over time.

3. Image carousels for Twitter and Instagram

You can also consider using image carousels. These are slides with multiple images, where you can feature different products or services in an engaging manner. You will need to carefully design the text for each slide so that it complements the visuals without taking away from them.

4. Infographics for LinkedIn and web

If you've never used infographics in your content marketing, now is a good opportunity to try it out especially as it is one of the O.Gs of snackable content. This style can be particularly effective for visual-oriented websites and help you get your point across in an exciting way.

5. Quote Cards for Twitter and Instagram

If you want to use snackable content that directly supports your product, consider using quote cards. These are short snippets of quotes taken from the interviewees about specific topics relevant for your brand and industry. This can be a great way to showcase your expertise. Maybe you have some webinars or video podcasts where you can extract those, hmm?

6. Q&A videos for LinkedIn and Facebook

If you have some experts on your staff, consider making Q&A videos. These are an excellent form of snackable content as they give the viewer a chance to hear directly from someone who is knowledgeable about your field or industry. Plus, if these experts are fun and engaging personalities with their own followers it can be really beneficial for you!

7. Podcasts for Spotify, Apple, and Google

Surprised to see podcasts making the list? Think again. Podcasts made my list because they are, crucially, a hands-free experience to consume content. After all, you can snack on your podcast while driving to work or cooking dinner. They also allow for deeper dives into content and longer-form conversations that other snackable content forms don’t necessarily support as well.

While snackable content should be lightweight and quick to consume (so it doesn't take forever before the next one), podcasts are a wild card to add to your snack box. Besides, you can easily repurpose them from webinars and video podcasts by stripping the audio off, polishing it up, and creating the accompanying assets for it.

8. Audiograms for LinkedIn and Facebook

Another content format to experiment with is audiograms. Audiograms are just sound files with an image that typically go out on Twitter and Instagram. They're a great snackable content format because of their short length, visual nature, and social accessibility - all while being relatively straightforward to produce if you’re even slightly tech-savvy.

9. Text-animation videos

Especially if you're looking to summarize key topics in a longer blog you have, text-animation videos are a great way to keep your audience's appetite satisfied. A text animation video can be as simple as taking a few key lines of your blog, turning them into an animation. It's one of the more practical snackable content formats out there because it's quick to produce and share on social media - all without looking too overwhelming in terms of the information you're sharing at once.

10. Webinar video teasers

Have some webinars that can do with an additional boost that you feel packs a lot of value? Why not create a snackable teaser video of it? A webinar video teaser can help you build momentum back towards an on-demand event you have on your website. Although it really works best when the content is valuable.

11. IG Reels

There are many snackable content examples that work well on Instagram. One of them is the IG reel, which consists of a collection of images and videos put together as one post. That way you can share some fun memories with your audience (and maybe even get them more excited about an upcoming or recent event).

Snackable content is here to stay, and the only limit is your imagination. While your competitors continue to do things the traditional way, you can leverage your long-form assets to create snackable content.

Want to turn your webinars into binge-worthy social clips? Try chopcast today