episodic content

Get Cultured Episode 1 - Spotify 

In this write up and video, as part of our Get Cultured original series, we explore Spotify's new show The Game Plan. Find out why it works, and how you can do the same for your own episodic content.

A write up from our recent debut episode of Get Cultured (video below).

We put this together because we wanted to bring to you some of the coolest brands out there and how they all decided to create episodic content (or episode-style) content to create something that is truly memorable, cool, and of course drives business results.

The one thing they all have in common is they didn’t talk about themselves, they talked about the culture.

Today we’re profiling Spotify for Artists, which is other side of Spotify that helps artists achieve success through sharing their music on the platform. The created an episodic series called The Game Plan. 


From my own observation, a company like Spotify needed to find a way to create content that would appeal especially to new artists.

These would be people who may have dreams of becoming famous through their work, but may also have doubts about the best way to go about it.

They would need help navigating areas such as getting set up, promoting your music, and building engaged fan bases.



I love what these guys did in their series. Let’s take a closer look at 3 specific things that made it work, and how you can apply that to your own content as well.


First of all, they Tackled the “elephant in the room” topic head on which is “music is the easy part, how do I actually make sure that people see my work and grow my brand as an artist?”


This is great because it instantly speaks to their biggest dreams and pain points as artists which keeps them engaged as they go through the content and become more familiar with the value that a company like Spotify can bring them.


Second, they build credibility through association. Even though Spotify taps into their own team of experts to give insider advice, they didn’t stop there.


They reached out to artists from different genres and styles to get them to share their tips as well, making it more and trustworthy coming from the artists you look up to.


Finally, they managed to use graphics, comedy, and interesting camera angles to make the episodes entertaining yet in the same time practical such that artists can derive tactics from it and apply it to their own journeys.


Let us know your thoughts on what you liked about their episode show, or share with us your ideas on how you would make it even more fresh.

On the next episode we will be profiling a cool video analytics company, and how they managed to create a blockbuster of a content strategy when it comes to episodic content. 

Subscribe wherever you are watching this to make sure do not miss the next one, we'll see you on the next episode of Get CULTURED!


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